Monday, January 12, 2009

christmas break...

As I sit here and look at all the pictures I have taken over Christmas I am realizing just how much has happened in the last month!! I have so much to share. Here it goes....

First was a short stay with the Holland family and a day in the snow with Nathan.

Here are some pictures of the snow day.

Here are some more pictures of my family away from my family. Well, really its mostly pictures of Lilah, but she is just so cute I could not help myself!! :)

Never Say When worshiped with First Presbyterian Church of Mason City!! Awesome!!

We came home from our trip to Rockford and Mason City to a MAJOR ice storm in Macomb. It was so beautiful! Here are some of the pictures I took.

Last but not least, I spent time at my family's house in Nashville, TN. I was there for 3 weeks. Nathan came to visit the last week I was there. We had an awesome time hanging out with the fam and with Jared and Katie. Here are some of the pictures I took.

Now, here I am back a school. Getting my apartment put back together (which has been harder than it should be since I have some sort of cold or flu thing). Never Say When has a gig in Burlington, Iowa on Thursday, a seminar on Saturday, and another gig on Sunday - that is what I am spending a lot of time preparing for. We have also been having a lot of fun putting a promotional package together for the band. I hope they turn out good. :)

Hope you enjoy the pictures! :)


bible in a year...

So, when I first became a Christian, a beautiful woman of God named Amber Dawn gave me a "Daily Walk Bible". This version of the Bible divides the Bible up just right so a person can read the whole Bible in one year. I have had this Bible for over 5 years now and have started to read it more times than I can keep track of. I have read most all of the New Testament more times that I can count, but have spent most of my life as a Believer neglecting the Old Testament and the Gospels (believe it or not). So, I have resolved this year to read the whole Bible, all the way through. It hasn't been that hard yet. I don't really have to read more than a few chapters per day and this version of the Bible has a little devotional at the beginning of each reading. I really like that part. Just a little something to get me thinking about what I have already read and what is coming up. I am pretty excited to keep reading. I have already come across some really interesting stuff.

I have to be going...have a meeting with the apartment people to sign my new lease.

Hope all is well.
