Monday, January 12, 2009

bible in a year...

So, when I first became a Christian, a beautiful woman of God named Amber Dawn gave me a "Daily Walk Bible". This version of the Bible divides the Bible up just right so a person can read the whole Bible in one year. I have had this Bible for over 5 years now and have started to read it more times than I can keep track of. I have read most all of the New Testament more times that I can count, but have spent most of my life as a Believer neglecting the Old Testament and the Gospels (believe it or not). So, I have resolved this year to read the whole Bible, all the way through. It hasn't been that hard yet. I don't really have to read more than a few chapters per day and this version of the Bible has a little devotional at the beginning of each reading. I really like that part. Just a little something to get me thinking about what I have already read and what is coming up. I am pretty excited to keep reading. I have already come across some really interesting stuff.

I have to be going...have a meeting with the apartment people to sign my new lease.

Hope all is well.


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